The Top 5 Magnetic Cartridges for Turntables

Introduction to Magnetic Cartridges for Turntables

A magnetic cartridge is an essential component of a turntable that converts the vibrations from the stylus into an electrical signal. This signal is then amplified and sent to the speakers, allowing us to hear the music. The cartridge consists of a stylus, cantilever, and magnets that work together to produce sound.

The stylus, also known as the needle, is the part of the cartridge that makes contact with the record grooves. It picks up the vibrations as it moves along the grooves, which are then transferred to the cantilever. The cantilever acts as a bridge between the stylus and the magnets, transmitting the vibrations to the magnets.

The magnets in the cartridge are surrounded by coils of wire. As the magnets move in response to the vibrations, they generate an electrical current in the coils. This current is then sent to the amplifier, where it is amplified and converted into sound.

Choosing the right cartridge for your turntable is crucial for achieving optimal sound quality. Different cartridges have different characteristics and can greatly affect the overall performance of your turntable. Factors such as tracking ability, frequency response, and output level should be considered when selecting a cartridge.

What to Look for in a Magnetic Cartridge

When selecting a magnetic cartridge for your turntable, there are several key factors to consider. First and foremost, it is important to choose a cartridge that is compatible with your turntable and tonearm. Different turntables and tonearms have different specifications and require specific cartridges to achieve optimal performance.

Tracking ability is another important factor to consider. Tracking ability refers to how well the stylus can stay in contact with the record grooves without skipping or jumping. A cartridge with good tracking ability will be able to accurately reproduce the music without causing any damage to the record.

Frequency response is also an important consideration. The frequency response of a cartridge refers to the range of frequencies it can reproduce. A cartridge with a wider frequency response will be able to reproduce a greater range of frequencies, resulting in more accurate and detailed sound reproduction.

Output level is another factor to consider. The output level of a cartridge refers to the strength of the electrical signal it produces. A cartridge with a higher output level will require less amplification, resulting in less noise and distortion.

Audio-Technica AT95E Cartridge

The Audio-Technica AT95E cartridge is a popular choice among audiophiles and turntable enthusiasts. It features a diamond Audio-Technica AT95Estylus and a dual magnet design, which provides excellent tracking ability and accurate sound reproduction. The cartridge has a frequency response of 20Hz-20kHz and an output level of 3.5mV, making it suitable for a wide range of music genres.

The Audio-Technica AT95E cartridge is known for its balanced and detailed sound reproduction. It has a warm and smooth sound signature, with good separation between instruments and vocals. The cartridge excels in reproducing midrange frequencies, making it ideal for genres such as jazz, classical, and vocal-heavy music.

The AT95E cartridge is also known for its excellent tracking ability. It can handle demanding passages with ease, without skipping or jumping. This makes i
Ortofon 2M Red Cartridget suitable for playing records with heavy bass or complex arrangements.

The Ortofon 2M Red Cartridge

The Ortofon 2M Red cartridge is known for its exceptional sound quality and value for money. It features an elliptical diamond stylus and a split pole pin design, which provides excellent channel separation and accurate sound reproduction.Ortofon 2M Red The cartridge has a frequency response of 20Hz-22kHz and an output level of 5.5mV, making it suitable for a wide range of music genres.

The Ortofon 2M Red cartridge is highly regarded for its detailed and dynamic sound reproduction. It has a neutral and balanced sound signature, with good clarity and separation between instruments. The cartridge excels in reproducing high frequencies, making it ideal for genres such as rock, pop, and electronic music.

The 2M Red cartridge is also known for its excellent channel separation. It can accurately reproduce stereo recordings, providing a wide and immersive soundstage. This makes it suitable for playing records with complex arrangements or live recordings.

Nagaoka MP-110 Cartridge

The Nagaoka MP-110 cartridge is highly regarded for its warm and detailed sound reproduction. It features a bonded Nagaoka MP-110 Cartridgeelliptical stylus and a powerful magnet, which provides excellent tracking ability and accurate sound reproduction. The cartridge has a frequency response of 20Hz-20kHz and an output level of 5mV, making it suitable for a wide range of music genres.

The Nagaoka MP-110 cartridge is known for its smooth and natural sound reproduction. It has a warm and rich sound signature, with good tonal balance and depth. The cartridge excels in reproducing low frequencies, making it ideal for genres such as jazz, blues, and classical music.

The MP-110 cartridge is also known for its excellent tracking ability. It can handle demanding passages with ease, without skipping or jumping. This makes it suitable for playing records with heavy bass or complex arrangements.

Grado Prestige Gold Cartridge

The Grado Prestige Gold cartridge is known for its exceptional sound quality and craftsmanship. It features a specially designed diamond stylus and a wooden body, which provides excellent tracking ability and warm sound reproduction. TheGrado Prestige Gold Cartridge cartridge has a frequency response of 10Hz-60kHz and an output level of 5mV, making it suitable for a wide range of music genres.

The Grado Prestige Gold cartridge is highly regarded for its detailed and natural sound reproduction. It has a warm and smooth sound signature, with good tonal balance and imaging. The cartridge excels in reproducing high frequencies, making it ideal for genres such as classical, jazz, and acoustic music.

The Prestige Gold cartridge is also known for its excellent tracking ability. It can handle demanding passages with ease, without skipping or jumping. This makes it suitable for playing records with heavy bass or complex arrangements.

Shure M97xE Cartridge

The Shure M97xE cartridge is highly regarded for its accurate sound reproduction and durability. It features a low-mass elliptical stylus and a dynamic stabilizer, which provides excellent tracking ability and precise sound reproduction. The cartridge has a frequency response of 20Hz-22kHz and an output level of 4mV, making it suitable for a wide range of music genres.

The Shure M97xE cartridge is known for its detailed and balanced sound reproduction. It has a neutral and transparent sound signature, with good separation between instruments and vocals. The cartridge excels in reproducing midrange frequencies, making it ideal for genres such as jazz, classical, and vocal-heavy music.

The M97xE cartridge is also known for its excellent tracking ability. It can handle demanding passages with ease, without skipping or jumping. This makes it suitable for playing records with heavy bass or complex arrangements.

Comparison of Top 5 Magnetic Cartridges

When comparing the top 5 magnetic cartridges for turntables, there are several factors to consider. These include sound quality, tracking ability, frequency response, and output level.

In terms of sound quality, all five cartridges offer excellent performance. The Audio-Technica AT95E and Ortofon 2M Red cartridges are known for their balanced and detailed sound reproduction. The Nagaoka MP-110 and Grado Prestige Gold cartridges are known for their warm and natural sound reproduction. The Shure M97xE cartridge is known for its accurate and transparent sound reproduction.

In terms of tracking ability, all five cartridges offer excellent performance. They can handle demanding passages with ease, without skipping or jumping. This makes them suitable for playing records with heavy bass or complex arrangements.

In terms of frequency response, all five cartridges offer a wide range of frequencies. The Audio-Technica AT95E and Ortofon 2M Red cartridges have a frequency response of 20Hz-22kHz, while the Nagaoka MP-110, Grado Prestige Gold, and Shure M97xE cartridges have a frequency response of 20Hz-20kHz.

In terms of output level, all five cartridges offer a suitable output level for most amplifiers. The Audio-Technica AT95E cartridge has an output level of 3.5mV, the Ortofon 2M Red cartridge has an output level of 5.5mV, the Nagaoka MP-110 cartridge has an output level of 5mV, the Grado Prestige Gold cartridge has an output level of 5mV, and the Shure M97xE cartridge has an output level of 4m


Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Magnetic Cartridges for Turntables

In conclusion, selecting the right magnetic cartridge for your turntable is crucial for achieving optimal sound quality. Factors such as tracking ability, frequency response, and output level should be considered when choosi

ng a cartridge. The Audio-Technica AT95E, Ortofon 2M Red, Nagaoka MP-110, Grado Prestige Gold, and Shure M97xE cartridges are all excellent choices that offer exceptional sound quality and performance.  An alignment tool for cartridges is the Amador Store Turntable Phono Cartridge Stylus Alignment Protractor

Ultimately, the best cartridge for you will depend on your personal preferences and the specific characteristics of your turntable and tonearm. It is recommended to listen to different cartridges and compare their sound quality before making a decision. By choosing the right cartridge, you can enhance your listening experience and enjoy your vinyl records to the fullest.

2 thoughts on “The Top 5 Magnetic Cartridges for Turntables”

  1. The topic is comprehensive and informative. You provide a list of specific cartridge options, which is helpful for readers looking for concrete recommendations. Additionally, mentioning the alignment tool is a practical tip for those who are new to turntables and might overlook this important aspect.

    Furthermore, emphasizing the importance of personal preference and the compatibility with one’s specific setup is valuable advice. Encouraging readers to listen to different cartridges and compare their sound quality before making a decision shows a thoughtful approach to helping them make an informed choice.

    Your information is well-rounded, offering both product suggestions and practical guidance, making it a helpful and informative response.

    • Thank you Terrance I appreciate your comments.  Any choice of a any equipment comes down to two personal choices.  What their ears tell them and their budget.  I always try to offer something for everyone.  The magnetic cartridge is what actually turns those little grooves in a vinyl record into music so is a very important component of choosing and setting up a turntable.  The myriad choices of cartridges makes listening and reading reviews such as mine the best way to find what you want within your particular budget.



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